BEC高级真题短语解析:”keep something afloat”
1owenlee 发布于 2016-09-26
Keep something afloat: to make something free or out of difficulty, especially financial difficulty: (使…免于受损、使…正常运转) 例句:In the e...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-26
Keep something afloat: to make something free or out of difficulty, especially financial difficulty: (使…免于受损、使…正常运转) 例句:In the e...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-25
Going off at tangents / on a tangent:to pursue a somewhat related or irrelevant course while neglecting the main subject or to suddenly star...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-24
From the floor:(of a speech or question) delivered by an individual member at a meeting, not by a representative on the platform. (由与会者发出的...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-23
Work with the grain:Idiomatic. to do something in an easy and natural way. (直译:延着纹理脉络做某件事,意译:与…相契合、顺应…事情,反义表达:go against the gr...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-23
Down the line:a. At a future point or end. (将来、最终)b. All the way, throughout. (自始自终、从头到尾) 例句a:That’s why you will need to adopt strate...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-23
Paying over the odds:to pay more for something than it is really worth. (溢价购买、支付价格超过物品本身价值) 例句:It may be easier to raise the capital when bu...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-22
Passing the bulk:to blame someone or make them responsible for a problem that you should deal with or to shift the responsibility for someth...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-19
Lend oneself to sth:to be suitable for a particular purpose or to be adaptable to something. (适合于、适用于) 例句:Consumers of all socio-economic ba...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-19
Bear down on sth:a. to press down on something. (按压、压低); b. to use all your effort to do something. (努力克服); c. to move toward someone or so...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-18
Coax sb/someone into doing sth:to gently persuade someone to do something or not do something(劝诱/利诱某人做某事) 例句:Strong incentives are needed to...
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