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BEC词汇 相关词汇及短语:

IPO:Initial Public Offerring(首次公开募股)
PLC:Public Listed Company(上市公司)
Stock Exchange:股票交易所


Bond:词典定义–An agreement by a government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent; a document containing this agreement. 中文叫债券。

Debenture:词典定义–An official document that is given by a company, showing it has borrowed money from a person and stating the interest payments that it will make to them. (公司)债券。

Bonds and debentures are debt instruments with different types of exposure(公布). With the exception of Government of Canada savings bonds, bondholders are secured by access to the underlying asset(相关资产) in case of default by the issuer. Debentures, on the other hand, are unsecured, and debenture holders do not have recourse to assets in the case of default by the debenture issuer.

Holders of Government of Canada bonds receive a promise of regular interest payments and repayment of principal(偿还本金) at maturity(债券等的到期), but no rights to a claim on the underlying. Canada Savings Bonds are technically debentures, but they represent the highest domestic credit quality and are classified as bonds for investment purposes.

Bonds and debentures are similar in terms of pricing and yield(投资收益) to maturity calculations. Fixed income prices and yields move in opposite directions. The overall yield of a bond or debenture issue is comprised of coupon(息票) interest and return of principal. Thus, when the price of a bond or debenture rises, the yield available to a potential investor falls, and when the price of a bond or debenture falls, the yield rises. In either case the investor receives full par value(票面价值) at maturity, but uses less capital to purchase the cheaper bond.




Bear Market:牛市   Bull Market:熊市  Bule Chip:蓝筹股
Place a Bid for… of… at …:
例句:I call my brokerage to place a bid for 1000 shares of BAIDU at $168.50.
Short selling:卖空交易  (先借货股票套现,然后在低价位接回,投机高手看空经济或某家公司而采用的赚钱方式。)
例句:The Fund has leveraged(加杠杆) lending and short selling combination of the investment strategy.
Flash Trading:程序化交易 (一些基金或险资通过电脑程序设定好某一股票的买进与买出价位,通过波段操作买卖股票以赚取差价获利。)

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