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背景介绍:美剧Silicon Valley《硅谷》讲述的四个性格内向的程序员,来到硅谷淘金的故事,他们居住在一个富人提供的孵化器旅馆中,每当一个人想到了一个精彩的开发创意,他们就会为之兴奋不已,梦想着一夜暴富。空有技术才华,但严重缺乏商务知识和市场营销知识,在硅谷这块狼烟四起的极客世界里,他们能否开辟出属于自己的一片天地呢?

本剪辑选自《硅谷》第二季第三季,该场景讲述的是:互联网巨头公司“互利”的老板Gavin郁闷极了:因为之前未能收购成功的一家创意小公司Pied Piper居然将广告打到自己的办公室门前了,是可忍孰不可忍:他与律师们商议要想办法告Pied Piper侵犯,其中的一名律师还真想到了“办法”……


Gavin:This is the most hostile and aggressive act of provocation I’ve ever had to endure. 这是我生平所经历过的最过分最放肆的挑衅

——— It crosses every line of decency, This is war. 这样做简单太过份了  这是要向我们开战

——— You better have something good for me. 你们最好有好消息给我

Lawyer:We believe we have a way to win this case. 我们认为有办法打赢这起官司

——— What if there were an individual here at Hooli 如果’互利’里有一名员工

——— with whom Hendricks had had a lot of contact? 他刚好曾与亨德里克斯交流密切

——— What if this individual were, 如果这位员工

——— arguably, a member of the original Pied Piper team? 刚巧是’魔笛手’团队的初创成员

——— What if we took steps 如果我们能采取行动

——— to present this individual in a light 向世人证明

——— such that his talents were undeniable? 这位员工才华横溢

——— Surely an individual this brilliant 当然这样才华出众的员工

——— would move quickly up the ladder here at Hooli. 在’互利’会很快平步青云

——— Surely he’d be promoted rapidly and repeatedly, no? 当然他会很快而且频繁地升职

——— And surely these impressive promotions 当然这些令人印象深刻的升职

——— would lead a court to agree that someone this brilliant 会让法庭认为  有着如此才华的人

——— who was there at the inception of Pied Piper, 曾在’魔笛手’里待过

——— must be integral to, if not solely responsible for its creation. 即使没全盘负责  也一定是整个团队的不可或缺的人才 

BigHead: It’s all right. You can come in.  没事  你们进来

Gavin:So you’re saying 你是说

——— the more praise and promotion we heap on this person, 我们给这人越多的赞誉和升职机会

——— the more it looks like Pied Piper was created here at Hooli. ‘魔笛手’看起来就越像是在’互利’开发成功的


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