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背景介绍:Richard与Erlich因公司Pied Piper运营缺乏资金,再加上面临强大对手Hooli要针对他们提起知识产权诉讼,于是两人到处登门拜访各类风投公司已求得资金注入,摆脱困境。由于风投公司对巨头Hooli非常忌惮,再加上Erlich性格直接、说话容易爆粗口,导致商务谈判一次次陷入僵局。


Erlich:Well, it’s gonna break a lot of hearts on Sand Hill Road, 这将让沙山路上的很多人伤心

——— but congratulations. 但恭喜你们

——— We decided to go with you. 我们决定和你们合作

Company A:Uh, we were told that you were going with Raviga. 据我们所知你们选择了’拉维加’

Erlich:And I am happy to say that is no longer the case. 我很高兴地通知你  时过境迁

Richard:We’re really excited to be in business with you guys. 能与你们合作我们很激动

Company A:Can I ask– did you walk away from them, 我能问一下  是你们放弃了他们

——— or did they walk away from you because of the lawsuit? 还是他们因为诉讼放弃了你们

Erlich:Ah, that lawsuit we know to be frivolous. 我们认为那个诉讼简直是无稽之谈

Company A:Yeah. 是啊

Richard:Is that a “Yes” folder? 这说明你们同意了吗

Company A:No.

Erlich:So no pastries today, huh? 今天没有点心吃啊

Company A:So both Raviga and Coleman Blair Partners ‘拉维加’和’科曼-布莱尔合资公司’

——— passed because of the lawsuit? 都因为诉讼放弃了投资?

Erlich:Frivolous suit. It’s nothing. 无聊的诉讼  小事一桩

Company A:Well, it’s not nothing. 那可不是小事

Erlich:Look, before we start negging each other… 听着  在我们开始唱衰对方之前

Company A:Negging?  唱衰?

Erlich:It’s a term used in sexual manipulation. 把妹时会用到这个词

——— Maybe not relevant here. 大概用在这里不适合

Richard:We’re really excited to be in business with you guys. 我们真的很期待和你们成为生意伙伴

Erlich:We actually see this lawsuit as a positive. 其实我们对这起官司很乐观

——— We will win, and it proves 我们会赢  而且这起官司也证明了

——— that we have something worth suing over. 我们有让别人想要起诉的资本

Company B:And yet Raviga, Coleman Blair Partners, 但是’拉维加’  ‘科尔曼·布莱尔合资’

——— and Wood Opal Fund have all passed. 和’沃德欧泊基金’都拒绝了你们

Richard:We’re really excited to be in business with you guys. 我们真的很期待和你们成为生意伙伴

Company B:You know term sheets aren’t legally binding documents, right? 你们清楚风投协议不具有法律效力吧

Erlich:Of course not. 是不具有法律效力

——— They’re just guidelines that people follow, 这只是大家都会遵守的协定

——— Unless, of course, they’re pussies. 当然  除非他们是娘炮

Company B:You came in here three days ago. 你们三天前在这里

——— You were arrogant, condescending, and offensive. 态度傲慢  居高临下  言辞激烈

——— Now you come in here, you call me a pussy 现在你们过来  说我是娘炮

Erlich:I did not call you a pussy. 我没说你是娘炮

——— I said that people who break term-sheet agreements are pussies, 我说不遵守风投协议的人是娘炮

——— and that hasn’t happened… yet. 而目前  还没人违约

——— Thus I haven’t called you a pussy… yet. 因此  目前  我也没说你是娘炮

——— You’re in control of the situation. 这个完全由你决定

Company B:Hooli has the unlimited resources to hamstring you ‘互利’拥有无限资源可以用来打击你们

——— until Nucleus comes out, at which point, 等’纽核力’推向市场时

——— they will be the market standard, 他们将会成为市场标准

——— and you will be irrelevant. 而你们将变得无足轻重

——— We’re here to invest in innovation, 我们是来投资创新科技的

——— not lawyers, 而不是用来付律师费

——— so let me be perfectly honest with you. 所以让我跟你们说清楚

——— Your behavior 你们的行为

——— was boorish and juvenile粗鲁  又幼稚…

Company C:You were rude, vulgar and uncouth. 你们鲁莽  低俗  毫无教养

Company D:You were course, graceless and puerile. 你们令人不悦  无礼  天真

Company B:Obscene, insulting and ignorant. 猥琐  侮辱人  无知

Erlich:Ignorant? 无知?

Company C:You called me a shit-riddled anal wasteland. 你骂我是屎堆出来的土逼

Company D:You called me a chode gargling fuck-toilet. 你骂我是鸡鸡不离口的集邮男

Erlich:We’re really excited to be in business with you guys. 我们真的很期待和你们成为生意伙伴


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