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以下文章选自专业人力资源网站HRO Today。作者通过呈现当前人力招聘智能化所面临的技术变革和巨大机遇,引用业内人士及行业专家的观点和调研数据证实人工智能在这一领域所取得的长足发展。本文相关生词及实用短语已用蓝色高亮,希望能够对正在BEC备考的童鞋有所帮助。

HR departments have more tools at their disposal for ramping up recruitment and hiring than ever before, and technology plays a huge part in keeping the industry current. In 2017, the push toward a 100-percent-digital hiring model is a consideration as mobile and cloud- based solutions continue to gain popularity. A desire to attract top candidates and have them view organizations and their brands as on the cutting edge are at the heart of these trends, and RPO partners are helping lead the charge.

For Patricia Tourigny, senior vice president of HR shared services at Magellan Health, this process involves letting automation take care of the details so that recruiters have more time to focus on the candidates.

“At Magellan, we are working to automate as many manual processes as we can and leverage a variety of digital and social channels so our recruiters can 
focus on recruitment basics: building and maintaining relationships with the external market and influencing our hiring decisions so we can onboard the best possible talent.”

Artificial Intelligence

Magellan is far from the only organization turning 
to automation as a way to increase efficiency. On the contrary, this technology is in demand for companies 
in numerous industries and has been added to the wheelhouse of many RPO providers. According to Randstad Sourceright’s latest Talent Trends survey, 84 percent of U.S. business owners said they believe artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics will have a positive impact on the workplace in the next three to five years. Further, 48 percent said that automation and machine learning has either transformed or had a positive impact on their business in the past 12 months.

AI tools have the capacity to take over mundane and time-consuming tasks such as skimming resumes for keywords, sending follow-up emails to candidates that aren’t a good fit, and scheduling interviews. Some AI tools can even help find passive candidates online; others include “chatbots” (also known as conversational AI) that can field basic HR questions for career site visitors.

“Bots are being utilized as an on-demand knowledge based to engage candidates at the point of interest and provide relevant real-time organizational information,” says Steve Parker, director of global RPO technology for Allegis. “Chatbots are also being utilized to screen candidates, schedule interviews, drive employee referrals, act as a virtual coach for hiring managers and even create personalized career site experiences.”

In the future, experts predict that AI’s capabilities
 will continue to expand, and as this happens, time 
to hire and other important recruitment metrics will 
see improvements. Despite some concerns that AI will displace recruiting jobs, most talent acquisition (TA) professionals are confident that recruitment will always need a human touch. Undercover Recruiter estimates that 100 percent of source and match tasks are automatable, but only between 20 and 24 percent of TA-related management and sales tasks are automatable. In other words, human beings will always have an important role to play in promoting the employer brand and creating a positive candidate experience.

“Automation of administrative process steps as well 
as marketing automation are certainly on the rise as the talent market tightens. A buyer could find some interesting partners in Beamery, Yello, Candidate.ID
 and Phenom People,” says Adam Godson, Cielo’s vice president of global technology solutions. “AI generically has many applications, but candidate matching in the sourcing process is where it is having the greatest impact. Companies like HiringSolved, Entelo, Brilent and Vettd are all doing interesting things related to matching companies to candidates and vice versa.”

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  1. 主妇帮请教下博主:这篇文章中“RPO”是指什么意思?回复
    • owenlee
      owenlee“RPO”是“Recruitment Process Outsourcing”(即人才招聘流程外包)的缩写形式。回复