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“筹备产品发布会”是BEC中高级重点考察的话题之一(一般会出现在口语考试1分钟的mini presentation或两个人的讨论);同时,“产品发布会”也是实际商务工作中,特别是“市场营销”部门经常被提及的议题。


  1. Plan early, don’t wait until the last minute.  You need to have a plan in place and gear up at least 8 to 12 weeks in advance.  Reporters get news every day.  They aren’t waiting for your story.  By gearing up early you can start to find the reporters that you need to target and begin building relationships with them.  Tip: Relationships are key when it comes to getting in the media.
  2. Find your influencers.  You need to find the influencers that impact your target market. Introduce them to the produce or service that you are getting ready to rollout.  Give them the news first.  Give them a trial and/or sample and encourage them to share a review or post it on their social channels.  Public relations has transformed over the last few years, now we have to look at multiple sources to get our information out and one of those sources includes influencers.   Online influencers have succeeded in building audiences that pay attention to them through their blog, social media channels, video, etc.  and because of that their influence is often greater than that of mass media.
  3. Use the social media platforms to plant leaks.  Find those people that are interested in your product and or service, brand advocates if you can and inform them of the “coming soon” information or even leaked videos or photos.  This will build sizzle and interest.  Not to mention everyone likes to feel like they are the “first to know.”
  4. Make it easy for people to learn more about the product or service you are offering.  Create videos, demos, whitepapers, information sheets.  Don’t make them hunt for information. The easier you make it for them to get the word out, the better chance you will have them sharing your information.

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