1owenlee 发布于 2017-03-09
Passport:[ˈpɑ:spɔ:t] 商务词汇搭配:passport to success/health/romance/promotion 常用语义:A small official document that you get from your government, ...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-09
Passport:[ˈpɑ:spɔ:t] 商务词汇搭配:passport to success/health/romance/promotion 常用语义:A small official document that you get from your government, ...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-08
Take the plunge:If you take the plunge, you decide to do something you really want to do even though it’s risky and possibly dangerous...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-08
BEC高级商务英语文章阅读精选:多功能电饭锅的粉丝经济(社会化媒体及口碑营销的经典案例) 导读:罗伯特·王一直想着如何让人们更加容易做一顿丰盛的饭菜,随着深入的研究,他发现这是一个很好的商机。于是便与几个朋友创办了一家公司。没想到6年之后,他们团队所打造的一款多功能的电饭锅能够被...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-08
Compound:[‘kɒmpaʊnd] 商务词汇搭配:compound a problem/difficulty/crime 商务短语搭配:be compounded of sth 常用语义1:A substance containing atoms from ...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-08
In the nature of:Having the characteristics of; similar to. (具有……特质的,类似的) 例句:The first clear results to show up were in the grea...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-07
BEC高级商务英语阅读文章精选:员工福利未来新常态(员工福利与时代接轨的三个新常态) 导读:前些年,员工福利被看作是反应人力资源现状的一个重要环节,企业主与员工一样,从医疗保险到退休待遇,早已习惯了标准的福利清单。然而,从近几年来看,随着员工对他们所工作企业的要求开始增多,这种心...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-06
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-06
Anchor:[‘æŋkə(r)] 商务短语搭配:be anchored in sth 常用语义:A piece of heavy metal that is lowered to the bottom of the sea, lake etc. to preven...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-06
Corporate/Company Retreat:An event, usually held at a resort or other exotic location, in which executives or employees of a company gather ...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-06
BEC高级商务英语阅读文章精选:增强企业品牌认知度(如何让客户购买你的品牌产生自豪感) 导读:品牌战略推广一个很关键的课题就是:如何让顾客接受并推崇你的品牌价值理念。企业在解决客户问题、满足相关需求的同时,通过提升品质与外观设计,再加上精准的定价策略,能够让顾客明确感知公司品牌的...
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