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Novel:[‘nɒvl]  商务词汇搭配:novel idea/approach/method

常用语义:A long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary. (小说)

商务语义:Not like anything known before, and unusual or interesting. (新奇的、新颖的)

用例:I suggest another approach, one that requires managers to change their behaviour and the way they spend their time. The approach is novel but, when properly implemented, quite powerful. I call it T-shaped management. { 例句出处:《剑桥BEC高级真题集第三辑:P38》}

注:T-shaped management:(T型管理)是指在一个组织内部自由地分享知识(T的水平部分),同时注重单个业务单元业绩(T的垂直部分)的提升。

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