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Install:[ɪn’stɔːl]  商务短语搭配:install someone as sth / install sth in someone or sth

常用语义:A. To fix equipment on to sth or into position, or put a new program into a computer. (置放设备或安装软件等); B. To put someone in a new position of authority. (使就职、就位)

用例:Operated using software that can spot user errors before they result in poor printing, the machine has a simple two-button control panel. It is also very user-friendly and easy to install. { 例句出处:《剑桥BEC高级真题集第一辑:P55》}

商务语义:To put sth in place for use or service.  (使某事准备就绪)

用例:To ensure that the business meets its demanding customer requirements in a well-controlled and professional fashion, a Head of Production is now needed to install good manufacturing practices and to ensure that the production staff are moulded more positively into a cohesive and responsive unit. { 例句出处:《剑桥BEC高级真题集第五辑:P23》}

其它语义:To settle somewhere as if you are going to stay for a long time. (安顿)

用例:He seems to have installed himself in your spare room for good! { 例句出处:《剑桥英语在线词典》},通常搭配方式:install sb/oneself in or at somewhere.

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