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Function:[‘fʌŋkʃn]  商务词汇搭配:function normally/correctly/properly

常用语义1:To work in the correct or intended way. (运行、运转、起作用)

常用语义2:If one thing is a function of another, its value depends on the varying values of the other thing. (函数、应变量)

商务语义1:The part of a company that is responsable for a particular area. (职能部门)

用例:We consider splitting up our key business functions so that they were not all in one place. (我们考虑拆分主要的营运部门,这样它们就不会集中在一个地方了。)

商务语义2:A large party or offical ceremony/event.  (盛大聚会、宴会、庆典)

用例:If you’re opening a bakery and need printing services for your marketing materials, you might be able to work out an agreement with they by offering to cater their next employee function. { 例句出处:《新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册:P25》}

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