Exposure:[ɪk’spəʊʒə(r)] 商务词汇搭配:To gain/have/increase exposure or to avoid/increase/limit/reduce exposure
常用语义1:When someone is in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant. (暴露)
常用语义2:The attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television, etc. (在媒体上的曝光、亮相)
商务语义1:The chance to experience new ideas, ways of life, etc. (经历、体验)
用例:Millennials’willingness to relocate is probably the result of the study-abroad programs they utilize to gain exposure to other countries and cultures during college.
商务语义2:The amount of financial risk that a company or person has. (风险)
用例:The advantage for emotional brands is that companies can transfer their brand strength into other areas, increasing revenues and reducing their exposure to the lifespan of a single product. { 例句出处:《剑桥BEC高级真题集第四辑:P80》}
商务语义3:The opportunity to invest money in sth. (投资机会)
用例:It’s hard to gain exposure to property with small amount of money. (大额资金很难有机会投资于房地产。)
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