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Concession:[kən’seʃn]  常用词汇搭配: to demand/seek/win major/important/substantial concessions

常用语义1:Somthing that you allow someone to have in order to end an argument or disagreement. (让步、妥协)

常用语义2:A special right that a particular person or group of people is allowed to have, for example by the government or employer. (特许权)

用例:But it is also true that a concession they really need or will value from you won’t cost you as much as it benefits them, and yet may still leave you with everything you want.  { 例句出处:《剑桥BEC高级真题集第一辑:P22》}

商务语义1:The right to have a business in someone else or a small business that sells things in a place owned by someone else. (销售场地、摊位)

用例:They run a burger concession at the stadium. (他们在体育馆内经营一个汉堡包小吃摊)

商务语义2:A reduction in an amount of money that has to be paid for sth. (减价、减让)

用例:Tax concessions 税收减让  * tickets $20, concessions $12. (票价20美元,优惠价12美元)

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