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Compound:[‘kɒmpaʊnd]  商务词汇搭配:compound a problem/difficulty/crime  商务短语搭配:be compounded of sth

常用语义1:A substance containing atoms from two or more elements.  (化合物)

常用语义2:An area that contains a group of buildings and is surrounded by a fence or wall. (被圈起来的场地)

商务语义1:To make a difficult situation worse by adding more problems, or to make a bad action worse by doing more bad thing. (使严重)

用例:We’ve already got too many skilled staff leaving, and having a shortage in other areas will just compound the problem. { 例句出处:《剑桥BEC高级真题集第四辑:P126》}

商务语义2:That pays or charges interest on an amount of money that includes any interest already earned or charged. (利息复合的)

用例:Revenues have grown at a compound rate of 50%. (收入按50%的年均复利率增长。)

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