商务英语词汇解析:“Brand Equity”

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以上视频为行销学大师菲利浦·科特勒对于“Brand Equity”这个商务术语给出的解释。

Brand Equity:The amount of worth in both tangible assets and intangible assets that a brand adds to a company or its product and service. (品牌资产)

例句:That company has had a good reputation for more than 60 years, which means that using their lable on any product provides immediate brand equity.


例句:Brand loyalty is usually rated as the most important indicator of brand equity because loyalty develops post purchase and indicates a consistent patronage by a customer over a long period of time whereas all other elements of brand equity may or may not translate into purchases.


Brand Equity的五大构成因素

知识扩展及补充扩展知识阅读:关于”Brand Equity”的概念由来:

迄今为止对于“品牌资产”还尚未形成一个广泛被接受的定义。在“品牌资产”(Brand Equity)概念最终形成之前,还存在着一个所谓的“品牌财产”(Brand Asset)概念。品牌财产则完全是一个基于会计学原理的财务概念,后来由于很难用于品牌具体管理,才为Brand Equity所替代。Brand Equity有人开始把它译为“品牌权益”,但这一译法仍然保留着较强烈的财务意义色彩,最后为了更易于使用和操作,人们才把Brand Equity译为“品牌资产”。更多相关知识可参考:品牌资产的五大重要组成部分


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  1. justsayhi
    justsayhi关于“Brand Equity”的概念我一直比较模糊,阅读后博主这篇文章,非常受益。另想请问下博文里面的例子都是博主自己的翻译的吗?博文里“Brand Equity”的第二个例句,我看了好一会都很难明白要点,博主的翻译醍醐灌顶,厉害了!回复