商务英语俚语解析:“Make ends meet”
2owenlee 发布于 2017-03-14
Make ends meet:to have enough money to pay for your basic expenses or to get by financially. (量入为出、使收支平衡) 例句1:Many contingent and nontraditi...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-14
Make ends meet:to have enough money to pay for your basic expenses or to get by financially. (量入为出、使收支平衡) 例句1:Many contingent and nontraditi...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-13
Concession:[kən’seʃn] 常用词汇搭配: to demand/seek/win major/important/substantial concessions 常用语义1:Somthing that you allow someone to hav...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-13
Customer equity:it is defined as the total of the discounted life-time value of all the firm’s customers. (企业未划入资产的顾客价值) 例句:Customer e...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-11
Pledge:[pledʒ] 商务词汇搭配: pledge (your) support/loyalty/solidarity 商务短语搭配:pledge sth to sth/sb;pledge to do sth 常用语义:[formal] To make a formal...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-11
Give sb/sth a wide berth:to keep a reasonable distance from someone or something; to steer clear of someone or something. (与某人或某事物保持距离;或与之划清...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-10
Manner:[‘mænə(r)] 用作复数形式常指礼数,商务短语搭配:in a … manner;have good/bad manners 常用语义1:The way in which something is done or happens. (行...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-10
At concert pitch:a state of heightened eagerness, readiness, or tension: (处于热情高涨、充分完备状态) 例句1:After all the briefing sessions at the head off...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-09
Commission:[kə’mɪʃn] 商务短语搭配:on commission/in commission/out of commission/commission sb to do sth 常用语义:A group of people who have bee...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-09
Out of habit:do something simply because you are used to doing it, for no other reason. (出于习惯) 例句:Some organizations offer discounts out of ...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-09
Passport:[ˈpɑ:spɔ:t] 商务词汇搭配:passport to success/health/romance/promotion 常用语义:A small official document that you get from your government, ...
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