BEC高级真题词汇解析:”knowledge mapping”
2owenlee 发布于 2016-09-18
knowledge mapping:Knowledge mapping externalizes networks of cognitive relationships and renders them in graphic form.(知识图谱、知识映射) 例句:The lat...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-18
knowledge mapping:Knowledge mapping externalizes networks of cognitive relationships and renders them in graphic form.(知识图谱、知识映射) 例句:The lat...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-18
Coax sb/someone into doing sth:to gently persuade someone to do something or not do something(劝诱/利诱某人做某事) 例句:Strong incentives are needed to...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-18
Conspire to do sth: If envents conspire to do sth, they happen at the same time and make something bad happen. (协同促成某事、串通一气促使某事发生) 例句:If cir...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-16
Industrial Dispute:An industrial dispute is a conflict between an employer and its employees. Such disputes can occur for any reason and may...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-16
Job enrichment:refers to redesigning a job to allow for more autonomy and reduce the effects of monotony, by doing so, management can motiva...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-16
To contend with:a. to have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially in order to achieve something. (着手应付、不得不处理) b. to co...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-16
Beat the rush:plan to get up early enough to avoid their fellow traveler on a road trip, or going somewhere before crowds of people get ther...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-15
More often than not:most of the time, or usually (往往,大多数时候,通常情况下) 例句:The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly wh...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-15
Out of sb’s depth:a. not having the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation. (超出某人的知识范围、能力所及)...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-09-14
Give rise to sth:to make something happen or begin, especially something unpleasant or unexpected, or to cause something. (引发、导致) 例句:The res...
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