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Anchor:[‘æŋkə(r)]  商务短语搭配:be anchored in sth

常用语义:A piece of heavy metal that is lowered to the bottom of the sea, lake etc. to prevent a ship or boat moving. (锚)

商务语义1:To provide a feeling of support, safety or help for someone or an organization. (给人以支撑或安全感)

用例:Steve anchors the team’s defense. (史蒂夫是团队的压阵防守队员)

商务语义2:To fasten something firmly so that it cannot move. (使紧固、稳定)

用例:He said the government should solidly anchor inflation expectations to avoid additional volatility. (他说政府应牢牢控制通货膨胀,以避免更多的波动。)

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