商务英语短语解析:”The die is cast”

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商务英语短语解析:The die is cast

The die is cast:Something that you say when a decision has been made or something has happened which will cause a situation to develop in a particular way. (木已成舟、大局已定或心意已决)

例句1:My guess is that in the long run the die will be cast:It will be brand or OEM and no middle ground. If a chinese company can make it into five OEM club, forget the brand market in China and stick to OEM guns with supply and operational efficiency and the greatest business marketing and sales team that can be built. { 例句出处:《慧眼看中国——米尔顿·科特勒营销文丛:P79》}

翻译:我觉得从长远来看,大局已定:将来只会出现两类企业—— 要么是品牌商,要么是OEM厂商,不会出现什么中间类型的企业。如果中国的企业能够挤进五家OEM厂商之一,那就彻底忘掉中国的品牌商场,而专注于OEM。在供应链和运营环节取得效率,并在此基础上尽可能地发展营销能力和建立销售队伍。

知识扩展及补充扩展阅读:”The die is cast”出处:


最终,凯撒扔出一句“The die is cast!”(骰子已经掷下,就这样吧),遂带兵过“卢比肯河”,走上了一条不归路。后来“The die is cast”常用来形容“木已成舟”、“事已至此”或“大局已定”。

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