常用语义:a. If a room, building etc can accommodate a particular number of people or things, it has enough space for them. (容纳) b. To provide someone with a place to stay, live or work. (提供住宿)
商务语义1:To accept someone’s opinions and try to do what they want, especially when their opinions or needs are different from yours. (接纳、采纳)
用例:They must now accommodate a number of objectives and enables us to prepare for each on a contingency basis. { 例句出处:《剑桥BEC高级真题集第二辑:P39》}
商务语义2:To consider sth and be influenced by it when you’re designing sth or deciding what to do. (顾及、考虑到)
用例:Flexible work hours could enable employees to accommodate their requests conveniently and easily. { 例句出处:《新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册:P108》}
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