1owenlee 发布于 2017-02-15
Drain:[dreɪn] 商务短语搭配 Drain sth from/out of sth 常用语义:To make sth empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it. (使流光、放干) 商务语义:If a feeling ...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-15
Drain:[dreɪn] 商务短语搭配 Drain sth from/out of sth 常用语义:To make sth empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it. (使流光、放干) 商务语义:If a feeling ...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-12
Cast in stone:When something is ‘cast in stone’ it is fixed and cannot be altered. It is meant to express a feeling or idea of c...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-12
BEC高级商务英语文章阅读精选:鸡年“电子货币”的狂欢盛宴(微信数字转账代替传统红包祝福) “今年过节不收钱,收钱只收数字币”这就是当下中国新年“发红包”这一重大传承的真实写照。随着移动互联网的篷勃发展,以腾迅与阿里两大派系为首的P2P在线支付产品:微信与支付宝两大平台正以势不可...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-07
Initiative: [ɪ’nɪʃətɪv] 商务词汇搭配:launch/formulate/devise an initiative 常用语义:If you have or take the initiative, you’re in a posi...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-07
Plough ahead (with):to continue to do something that may involve problems or that other people are opposing. (继续下去,一般用来表示执行某种有阻力的事情。) 例句:Alt...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-07
BEC高级商务英语文章阅读精选:“人脸识别”技术的发展(面部识别技术的兴起能让你无所遁形) 导读:木马屠城记里的Helen,她的那张脸可以发动上千艘船只,随着信息技术的发展,现如今人们能够通过面部做更多的事情。比如:通过它进行银行开户、授权在线支付、通过航空安检、甚至启动报警装置...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-06
Novel:[‘nɒvl] 商务词汇搭配:novel idea/approach/method 常用语义:A long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary. (...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-06
Arms-length:adj. the description of an agreement made by two parties freely and independently of each other, and without some special relati...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-06
BEC中级商务英语文章阅读精选:新“丝绸之路”能否走向成功?(新“丝绸之路”的机遇和困境) 导读:新“丝绸之路”是在古丝绸之路概念基础上形成的一个新的经济发展区域。东边牵着亚太经济圈,西边系着发达的欧洲经济圈,被认为是“世界上最长、最具有发展潜力的经济大走廊”。 以下文章选自半岛...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-05
Manifest:[‘mænɪfest] 商务短语搭配:Maniffest sth in/as/through sth 常用语义:A list of passengers or goods carried on a ship, plane or train. (旅客、...
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