1owenlee 发布于 2017-02-18
Premise:[‘premɪs] 商务短语搭配:be premised on/up sth 常用语义:The buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses. (经营场地、房屋建筑) 商务语...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-18
Premise:[‘premɪs] 商务短语搭配:be premised on/up sth 常用语义:The buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses. (经营场地、房屋建筑) 商务语...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-18
Be ripe for sth:developed to a suitable condition for something to happen. (做某事的时机已成熟、已适合于) 例句:Sally and Sue were keen to translate their ad...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-18
BEC中级商务英语文章阅读精选:理解B2B与B2C的差别(区分面向企业及个人用户的营销侧重点) There is a difference between marketing to a business and marketing to a consumer, believe i...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-18
“筹备产品发布会”是BEC中高级重点考察的话题之一(一般会出现在口语考试1分钟的mini presentation或两个人的讨论);同时,“产品发布会”也是实际商务工作中,特别是“市场营销”部门经常被提及的议题。 以下文章是博主针对“如何成功筹备产品发布会”收集整理的几个强有力的...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-17
Appreciate: [ə’priːʃieɪt] 商务短语搭配:Appreciate the significance/importance/value of sth 常用语义1:used to thank someone in a polite way or t...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-17
Motivation Equation:it is a set of formula used as incentives to stimulate employee’s fullest potential. (激励方程式、激励等式) 例句:The world of...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-17
BEC高级商务英语阅读文章精选:自由贸易与世界经济发展(自由贸易经济的是否曲直) 导读:美国曾经是全球自由贸易的积极倡导者,GATT正是在美国主导下建立起来的,而GATT的宗旨就是降低关税与其他贸易壁垒,提高全球自由贸易度。1995年替代或者扩张了GATT成立的WTO,同样是这样...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-16
Pitch:[pɪtʃ] 商务词汇搭配:pictch for business/contracts/custom 商务短语搭配:Make a/sb’s pitch for sth 常用语义1: A marked out area of ground on which...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-16
Take a/one’s toll:To have a bad or negetive effect on someone or something. (对某人或某物有不良影响) 例句1:Seeing her parents undergoing a divorce...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-02-15
BEC中级英语阅读文章精选:招聘情侣可提高效率及忠诚度(恋人及夫妻在同一单位上班的利与弊) 导读:对恋人及夫妻在一起共事持反对意见的公司与单位不在少数,主要的指控无外乎两个方面,其一:如果情侣之间是上下级关系,那么极有可能因为这层关系一方对另一方会特别给予照顾,从而引发不公平待遇...
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